Sunday, June 27, 2010

In The News

Every now and then you find a news headline or article that is just so poorly writen it's scary. Yesterday Erik found a whole site of them! The scary thing is they aren't done on purpose. Here are a few of my favorites:

Headline: Orlando's Harry Potter Ride Fat Park
Harry Potter ride fat is way beyond the safety harnesses at the Orlando theme park

- I never knew rides had fat.

1st paragraph of another article :
Shipwreck found after 112 years named L.R. Doty near Milwaukee. The ship was 300-foot-long and named the L.R. Doty, which sank during a storm. What's left is a wooden steamship that violently sank during a storm 112 years ago.

- Those 112 years named LR Doty were fantastic, weren't they?
- Do you think that ship might have sunk?

Headline and description of article:
AirTran Turtle Plane Delayed
Turtle plane responsible for delaying AirTran travel. An Airtran passenger jet was delayed after two sisters were busted for bringing a 2-inch turtle onboard.

- turtle planes?
- on a more serious note... really? a 2 inch turtle stopped a plane from taking off?

Just for the record, I don't claim to be a perfect writer, but seriously, doesn't this news site have an editor?

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