Friday, June 4, 2010

Things That Delight Me

In no particular order:

- listening to my son play as he weaves his own imaginary world.
- talking to friends
- talking about God
- even better yet, talking to friends about God :)
- having my nice warm kitty crawl up on my lap
- cuddling up in warm blankets
- sleeping in
- waking up to a clean house
- clothes, blankets, and towels fresh out of the dryer
- snuggling with a baby
- reading a really good book, the kind you don't ever want to put down
- finishing a project
- being able to "be there" for a friend
- tulips
- bright sunny, cool, days
- freshly fallen snow
- the moon glistening off of the snow
- the feel of air blowing through my hair during a boat ride
- getting really good coupon deals
- getting something for nothing
- comfortable silences with those I love
- Christmas morning
- walks in the woods
- Yellowstone
- nature
- feeling completely and totally in sync and connected with God
- the silence of a house right after everyone goes to bed
- morning snuggles in bed (after I'm awake :) )
- getting to know those people that I know the second I meet them will become friends.
- checking my e-mails in the morning and finding e-mails from friends
- opening my business e-mail to find a lot of orders waiting
- beautiful scents that don't make me sneeze
- vanilla
- surprising someone
- baking a special treat
- cookie dough
- impulse hugs and kisses from the littles
- snuggling and reading a story with my son
- seeing the look of pride cross Nick's face when he accomplishes something
- seeing 10 packages on the porch all full of orders I put together and all ready to go
- teaching a class
- seeing the moment something "clicks" ina person's eyes, especially if I have been teaching that something to them.

I could go on all day.... I think I'll stop there for today though.

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