Wednesday, November 11, 2009

An Interesting Day

Today I didn't have extra child (the little one I take care of during the day), because her mom was off work. I decided that son and I should have a nice mother/son day. I wanted to take him out to do something he'd enjoy and then come home, play games, maybe paint his volcano. It didn't quite go as planned.

I spent the ENTIRE morning (until 11:50) trying to get him to get dressed. Plus, he didn't want to go out, at all. I really wanted to make it a special day and was really dissappointed that he found puttering around in his room for 2 hours more interesting than gettind dressed so that he could do something special with mom. It especially upset me because I know when hubby wants to take him out, he's dressed, shoes and all, in about 5 minutes. I guess though when you spend all day every day with mom, going out with her isn't quite so exciting.

It did turn around though. By the time he finally got ready, it was lunch time, so we had lunch with hubby and then went and played a couple of Wii games, a gazillion board games, and then read a couple of stories. All in all we enjoyed each other and had a lot of fun. Son laughed hysterically throughout the games, and it brought great joy to me to see him so happy.

So in the end it was a good day.

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