Saturday, February 27, 2010

New Learning Project

The time has come to embark on a new learning experience. It's actually been longer than usual since God last sent me on a learning path, but it's time. I've been feeling the urge to begin something for a little while, but wasn't sure what would come of it. I've had some idea of the things I've been wanting to learn about, but wasn't sure which direction it would go in, and was having trouble finding books or anything to help me learn about it.
The other night, I was talking to a friend online, and suddenly had to search for a book. I found it almost immediately. I am now reading the book You Have Chosen to Remember. I'm not very far into it, just a few sections of the first chapter, but it is awesome. It's going to be a slow read because there is so much to think about. Primarily the book is about changing our thoughts and core beliefs in order to approach the world with a more positive, loving, and accepting attitude, so that we can experience our trueselves. (This is a terrible summary, but you get the idea).

A day or two before I found the book, Tracy, who is running the classes I'm taking right now, sent over a bunch of questions to help us examing and challenge our core beliefs also. So, it looks like I have a project for the next little while. I don't think it'll be fun, but I do believe it has the potential to be incredibly life changing.

My project: Examine and revise my core beliefs, and learn to approach the world in a more positive, open, accepting way, and in doing so learn more about who I truly am, my true, spiritual self.

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